How You can Help!



We are fully convinced that this effort will fail without persistent prayer.  Please pray specifically for NDO as we seek the Lord’s leadership for future growth.  In order to house more children, we need more staff to care for them!  Pray that the Lord would guide our steps and grant us favor with all those involved.

To receive our prayer updates, email Darbi.


New Day Orphanage was started and is maintained by the generosity of people like you.  Your gifts allow New Day to focus our attention on ministering to orphans and the surrounding
community rather than spending time fundraising.  A lot of people giving a small amount makes a big difference!  Thank you for prayerfully considering supporting this ministry!


Construction may have slowed down at New Day, but we sure haven’t!  Projects are always ongoing, and right now we are finding ways to help reach the surrounding community for Christ.  We use vol
unteer teams in strategic ways to accomplish the vision at New.   Would you like to partner in helping to start this important work?  Click here for our volunteer page for details!

Two ways to give:

You can mail a check to:

New Day Orphanage

PO Box 1452

Granbury, TX 76048

Or donate securely online by clicking below: