Volunteer Opportunities


Have you ever considered serving God on a short term mission trip?  Now is your chance!  There are always construction projects going on as we seek to expand our ministry to those in need.  We are also in the process of building relationships with the community around us in order to share the gospel.  Two preaching points have been established and new believers are in need of discipleship!  Of course, our kids always need to be loved on!  Would you like to help out?  Off-peak travel season (anytime school is in session) offers discounted airfare.  Pray about it and email us!

Stop, Pray, then read

Here is a list of a few of the ministry opportunities at NDO

Prayer Walking

Indoor and outdoor construction

Medical clinics


Sports Evangelism

Teaching life skills to Zambians

In-depth Bible studies on particular subjects

God has called us to spread the Gospel.  We accomplish this primarily through the children we serve at New Day, however we are always looking for ways to plant churches in our area.  Recently, with the help of volunteer teams, we have begun holding a bible study in two new areas, Kabanga and Nabukowa.  Please pray for the new believers in these areas!  Any community outreach we can offer at this point is a positive for our ministry both now and in the future.  As an individual, a family, or a group of believers, your involvement helps reach the world for Christ.

This page is for short term volunteers, for longer term opportunities, click here!