Birthday: July 6, 2016
Luyando was born on July 6, 2016. Sadly, her mother passed away very suddenly just 2 months later in September. Her father is still alive but is not in good health. Per Zambian culture, Luyando went to live with her paternal grandmother. After only 3 weeks, the grandmother came to New Day, stating the family could only afford to feed Luyando pounded peanuts mixed with water. New Day provided formula for Luyando for one week, but when the family continued to need help with the child, we decided to take Luyando into our custody.
Luyando arrived at New Day on October 14, 2016. We are excited to get to invest 18 years into this precious little girl - teaching her about Jesus, giving her a quality education, while keeping her in her own Zambian culture (and close to her grandmothers!). Luyando was the 26th child at New Day!