We love hosting short term teams who get a chance to see what we do on a daily basis. We have a guest residence, called the Ark, where we house rotating teams.
If you are interested in coming to New Day, check to see if your local church has a planned trip to visit us and join your fellow brothers and sisters on the next trip. If your church doesn’t currently have a planned trip then start one, gather a couple of interested brothers and sisters and plan a short term trip to New Day.
If you are interested in helping for a longer period of time, please reach out to us and let us know. We always have a need for people willing to spend a couple of months or even years helping us in various capacities.
Please reach out to us and let us know your intentions and we will be happy to schedule your team on our calendar. We will send you the required paperwork for visas and get you on your way to an incredibly memorable mission trip.
We look forward to seeing you soon!