Birthday: May 21, 2017
Chileleko ("Blessing") was born in early May of 2017. When he was 3 months old, he was traveling with his mother and father to a family funeral in a bus. The bus crashed, killing 7 people, including his mother and other family members. When the police were leaving the scene, someone looked into the backseat of the bus and saw Chileleko lying on the seat, uninjured. Due to his father's injuries and the inability of other family members to care for him, The Namwala Social Welfare Office became aware of his situation and signed custodial rights over to us.
Chileleko arrived at New Day in August of 2017. He is a blessing to us, and we know he will have no memory of this tragedy that occurred in his life. We are blessed to be able to introduce him to Jesus and give him a new family!